
1:16 a.m.

I love you mostest

Ok, here it is: I need to quit this bulimia/anorexia/coe bullshit.

The one person I love the most in this world doesn�t think I love him.

Truth be told, I think it�s probably pretty hard to love me, and it�s probably pretty hard to see that I love you.

This sickness is eating my brain. It�s making me crazier than I think I really am. I�ve been obsessed with my life, my food, my issues.

I�m selfish.

All I care about is me. And, my issues. And, how much I�m hurting. And, how much I hate me.

It�s probably so hard to even like me, let alone love me.

But he does.

And he deserves the respect and love and every wonderful thing in this world, because he�s loved me more than anyone ever has, or probably ever will.

He�s my best friend, and I�m pushing him away. I�m going to lose him because I�m too fucking stubborn and goddamn selfish to get over myself for five fucking minutes and give a shit about another human being�s feelings.

I�m so sorry.

I love you so much.

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I'm Not Dead, I Swear


Bulletpoints - 09.01.10
Today starts week three of my jury duty. - 04.13.10
I think my eyes are permently swollen from crying. - 04.03.10
I know it's April Fool's day, but I promise you this is no joke. - 04.01.10
Tempting fate. Please don't let me regret this. - 03.29.10

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